Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Irresolution

Blog posting on New Year’s Day can be daunting with readers expecting deep thoughts, resolutions, inspiration, and wisdom. Sorry, I can’t come up with anything close to inspiring or wise and no profound insights have occurred.

I would like to resolve to have life slow down a little, but so much of life depends on other people that you really don’t have the option to slam on the brakes without expecting that there may be someone behind you who will rear-end your little caboose.

Even in your own castle your resolutions can depend on the other occupants. I thought about resolving to eat all the food that has accumulated in the pantry and in the cupboards before buying more. First thing, my significant other has to agree to help cook and eat the strange meals that will result. Secondly, it will hurt to pass up all those stock-up food sales; we just got the flyer for January’s Can-Can Sale.

We both thought about cutting back on our work hours – maybe giving up one of our part-time jobs or not accepting new clients. Well, at least we are thinking about it. We are supposed to be easing into retirement, but we don’t seem to have a handle on that. The last time I told an acquaintance that I was taking on a new client, her comment was “Oh, and what are you giving up? Sleeping?”

We considered the usual promises to lose weight or eat more healthy food or exercise more…but we have tried those unsuccessfully before.

Maybe the problem is that I have never really celebrated New Year’s Day. After decades starting school every September it seems as though that should be the time for new beginnings - not the middle of winter.

Okay, try me in September; maybe I’ll have a resolution by then.

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